Muhammed, 5 years old, lived in a world of shyness and inability to communicate. He was not able to speak at all, and these challenges made it difficult to interact with his family members or those around him, making it difficult for him to participate in social activities.
“My son was trying to tell us many things, but he could not. It was very difficult for us to understand him clearly at that time,” the father said as he explained what his son’s condition was like before starting treatment with the Sened Organization.
In light of their difficult financial circumstances, the family was unable to provide special treatment for their child. The father says “Sened Organization contacted us and said that we can start whenever we want,” when he explains how Sened Organization communicates with the family to organize and begin treatment sessions for their son.
“When my child did not express himself, he would get upset and It closes into himself,” but with time and therapy sessions, things gradually began to improve. The Psychological counselor and play therapist at Sened began to use different methods and techniques to help the child to stimulate the expression of his feelings and motivate him to communicate, such as unconditional acceptance, active listening, encouragement, companionship, and understanding of feelings.
“Muhammed is now able to speak and express himself clearly,” the father said. Over time and subsequent sessions, Muhammed began to overcome his fear and feeling of isolation as he actively participated in the PSS Group Counseling organized by Sened and learned how to express himself in innovative ways. The relationship between him and his family members has witnessed a significant improvement through PSS İndividual sessions.
“I saw that they loved drawing more after they came here, and our family began to say that Mahamoud began to speak and became more open.”
In the follow-up interview 5 months later, the family confirmed that there was a noticeable change in Muhammed’s interaction, understanding and expression of feelings. Evaluations also showed a significant improvement in his psychological state and ability to communicate.