Success stories

"Story of Hope in a Land of Disaster: A Child's Journey Towards the Independence of Walking, and a Family's Determination to Build a New Life"

"Story of Hope in a Land of Disaster: A Child's Journey Towards the Independency of Walking, and a Family's Determination to Build a New Life"


In the event of disasters and crises, the presence of a world filled with displacements and suffering, the human spirit and determination to adapt and standing firmly against challenges has been embodied in the story of this family and their child below.


"I was breastfeeding her when I felt the earthquake first tremor. I thought it would pass whispering words from Al Quran and saying some prayers, however, the tremors increased considerably and violently. Actually, I opened the window to find our neighbors who were screaming out of fear. We had no idea about what happened outside or the EQ's devastation severity," says the mother.

This marks the 6th of February 2023 when a devastating earthquake struck the city of Nurdagi and its surrounding areas in Türkiye. The family went through a cold, fear-filled night, with their only concern being the safety of their baby girl.


"I stood over my daughter's head as the walls began to crack and terrifying sounds started to come out of the walls. It never crossed our minds for a single moment to venture out into the streets," the mother said, expressing significant concerns about her child's well-being, especially her health.

"After my father-in-law reached us, the building's entrance had become exceedingly narrow due to the extensive foundation damage. We struggled a lot to exit and managed to make it out safely eventually."


Days following the earthquake, the mother couldn't sleep well. She had concerns sleeping the nights with sorrow and anxiety. Later, things began to change gradually.

Post-earthquake, the family couldn’t follow up on their little daughter’s medical condition and had significant concerns about going under any stone-made structures, not to mention that most of the hospitals in the region had also been severely affected.


"In the meantime, the Sened team contacted us and scheduled a meeting in a container we currently call home. We are grateful to them," said the mother as she explained her daughter's health condition. She was born prematurely within the 30th week of pregnancy and had health issues related to lungs development and her motor ability. The girl spent 118 days in the hospital and had to avoid contact with people for her safety. This was a challenging period for the mother and the family.

"My daughter was continuously feeling unwell and was unable to move, but thanks to Sened Organization, she has now begun to sit well, and there's been a remarkable improvement in her ability to grasp things and move around. She now can respond better to our voice, wander our home (the container), always trying to tell us something. She has also gained good control of her head movement."


The challenges faced by the girl’s family have been carefully dealt with by Sened’s specialized team, and the girl’s condition was pre & post-evaluated by a physical therapist, as she was unable to perform pushing, grasping, or head control movements, and she was also unable to perform motor activities such as spinning, sitting, or standing. Then the rehabilitation, training, and treatment sessions continued for three months, by providing the necessary equipment for the treatment plan along with carrying out training sessions with the girl, in addition to rehabilitation sessions for the family within their own place of residence.

Specific Movement exercises were developed for the child and consistently delivered, while the mother and family were trained on these exercises. With continued follow-up and consistency, the girl began to exhibit significant improvement. Furthermore, mobility-assistive devices were provided, aiding the child in learning movement and standing more effectively.

"Now, with some assistance, my daughter stands on her own feet. She is now full of activity, thanks to Sened team. I hope that she will also walk in the future," said the mother.



The power of will and the necessary support can transform the lives of young children and provide them with genuine opportunities for improvement and success.

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